I would like to share a story with you, the Edo State electorate, as you consider the nomination of a flag-bearer for our great Labor Party and the next Governor of Edo state, God willing.
Whom would you prefer to lead you? Whom do you trust?
Someone who knows how to make things work in an environment where things do not typically work, or a person who comes with plenty degrees but lacks insight and vision, and cannot turn open a doorknob or the tap head. Literally?!
My childhood friend Paul, whom I consider a brother, attended all the prestigious schools in Nigeria and overseas (primary, secondary, and tertiary education).
To crown his educational achievements, he holds a doctorate degree (Phd).
He visited me at home this past month.
To my surprise, Paul could not twist open the doorknob to my house. Even after I repeatedly showed him how to use the lock.
Technically challenged?
For fear of locking himself outside the house in my absence, he remained indoors the entire day while I was away tending to my business. I felt for him deeply.
“Did you at least open the windows to let in some fresh air?”
I asked.
You want to know what is even funnier?
One of his many professional degrees is in engineering and another in advanced business (MBA).
I could not help but think to myself …
That is the story of Nigeria.
We associate performance with fancy paper qualifications and tribal sentiments. As a result, we now have a country that has never really served its citizenry, except the greedy politicians.
Our trained engineers put on ties and expect foreign handouts, complain about getting their hands dirty, but do not invent anything, only waiting and relying on foreign patronage, just as the ordinary citizens!
The Ministry of Works in our states cannot handle routine road maintenance jobs.
Dub it “Federal roads,” defer to the Federal Government on such essential duties, and then accuse the latter of neglect-as a cup-out
As the 2024 gubernatorial race intensifies, we need a pragmatic, compassionate, humble, and visionary person in leadership.
Let’s not be too bogged down with useless certifications, soulless MOU technocrats without integrity, and those who can’t lift a finger to make a difference in our lives, yet talk down to us!
Touting, proud, past and present “economic team members” and over sabi zealots are not the answer!
What will happen if we allow and champion the choice of a man with integrity, education, exposure, and accountability, along with common sense and a can- do spirit, who has the welfare of our people in mind?
Our nation is still at the budding stage, even after 60 years of independence. We must learn to chase after progress.
Fellow compatriots! Open your eyes!
We worked hard to enthrone Labor party in Edo State. However, those running to the party now share none of its core values and principles. They worked against our party during the 2023 general elections.
Ask yourselves. How many of the candidates vying for nomination now would remain in Labor Party if they fail nomination?
Maybe myself and one or two exceptions!
The leadership of the party must be wise and honor the wishes of the party faithful,
because it is the right thing to do!
Imposters are nothing but a fad.
What bragging rights do the so-called habitual economic team members have? Nothing!
They are professional jobbers and MOU manifesting politicians!
Edo state, in its present sorry state, requires personal sacrifice from its leadership.
Especially the ruling class.
Instead, our traducers have it backward!
Government continues to levy the poor citizens in the state, demanding more and more sacrifices of them, even as they pay through their noses!
For Hope, Compassion, Empowerment, and a State where Things Work, Nominate and support Osaretin Ighile for Governor!
Labor Party! Forward Ever!
Ellu Peee! Backward, never!
Osaretin Ighile
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